TCS Code Vita Practice questions

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Hi techies, I know you people most excited to work in code vita, but probably all participants have the doubt how the code vita is? how the question is.? and how TCS evaluate the programs? and lot of may… before that i think you already know what code vita is, If no means, Refer this link : Code Vita for TCS aspirants – A Code Fest from TCS Campus Commune


Code vita spans for some 6 hours, leaders need to log in to their account and start the contest. Sorry, for being late with this article. Those who have not taken up the contest yet, can refer the problem from here and can work it out. The contest ends tomorrow Sunday. The same questions are for all the practice round contestants.

Some things you must know before taking up code vita:

  •     The time span is 6 Hours
  •     The code is evaluated using a code engine
  •     As of the practice round questions the questions are not that much tough, but the problem is with understanding the Code Evaluation Engine.
  •     Your timer will start as the leader log’s in. After that you will have 6 hours.
  •     You will have appropriate error messages if you upload a code wrong. The errors will be as the TCS listed(in your mails, hope you must have received mails from Code Vita about errors).
  •     The compiler version concerns.
  •     Modularize the work according your team members.

TCS, is conducting this competition to test their future employees, this may be a kind of metric for grading colleges. The winner of this competition will have exciting gadgets like Apple’s Iphone and other stuffs with an offer from TCS.

The Mobeel contest was conducted before was confined to certain colleges had a great response that paved way for TCS to march to an all India open contest, this would be an healthy competition.
Download the sample questions here for code vita:


Hope this article was informative.


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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. lalitha

    plz send the link to see first round results…i’m unable to login into my account

  2. deva

    Problem : Fibonacci encryption and decryption

    password encryption algorithm on a pair of source message (plain text)
    and password, containing lowercase and uppercase letters only, is
    explained through example as below:

    Source Message is: abcd

    Password is: xyz

    if you have brain solve this program

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