Hi guys. In this article we have given a set of notes in Data Structures, which is an Important subject for CS majors.
Introduction: Algorithmic notation – Programming principles – Creating programs- Analyzing programs.
Arrays: One dimensional array, multidimensional array, pointer arrays.
Searching: Linear search, Binary Search, Fibonacci search.
Stacks: Primitive operations, Application of stacks.
Queues: Primitive operations – Priority queues – De queues – Applications.
Linked list: Singly Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Circular Linked List, linked stacks, Linked queues, Applications of Linked List –Dynamic storage management – Generalized list – Garbage Collection and Compaction.
Trees: Binary tree, Terminology, Representation, Traversal, Types, Applications.
Graph: Terminology, Representation, Traversals – Applications – spanning trees, shortest path and Transitive closure, Topological sort.
Sets: Representation – Operations on sets – Applications.
Tables: Rectangular tables – Jagged tables – Inverted tables – Symbol tables – Static tree tables – Dynamic tree tables – Hash tables.
Sorting techniques: Internal sorting – Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Shell Sort, Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort, Merge Sort, Radix Sort.
External sorting: External storage devices – Sorting with tapes and disks.
Files: queries – Sequential organization – Index techniques.
B Trees: B Tree indexing, operations on a B Tree, Lower and upper bounds of a B Tree –
B + Tree Indexing – Trie Tree Indexing.
Hope this article will be useful, equipping you with some files in Data Structures.
TweakTag Team.